boredom Coronasvirus novel danger house cleaning riff stress time

Shopping therapy

My excuse for the almost daily on-line shopping spree is that there are so many disappearing commodities out there, that it is my duty to scavenge for the hard to find and procure it for us.

Each of the major delivery services comes to the door laden with gifts of the season.

It works! I know I have complained about my marketing experiences, but I am becoming addicted to the order-on-line fix. The pot-luck deliveries, and random time frames are part of the charm.

Ordering on-line adds a festive air to Covid-19 seclusions. It’s the closest thing to Christmas (or Hanukkah) we can find while sheltering-in-place. Cleaning and cooking use up our time, but getting a package is a treat.

We aren’t wearing pants, so when the UPS man or the FedEx guy or the USPS lady show up we can don our better pj bottoms and head down to meet them. The possibility that at least some of the items you ordered will arrive as substituted mystery products adds to the “we’re getting presents” meme.

My excuse for the almost daily on-line shopping spree is that there are so many disappearing commodities out there, that it is my duty to scavenge for the hard to find and procure it for us.

Since I cannot go out to the stores without feeling endangered, I will continue my shopping from my laptop. As long as I can find something I could not get before, I will feel like a hunter-gatherer on a mission. As long as my shopping trips result in a nice cache of product in our home, I will continue this adventuring.

I am fully aware that this is a form of self-medicating, and I will sit down each day in anticipation of finding something wonderful. Some days, I really do.

By therealtamara

For an opinionated woman such as I, blogging is an excellent outlet. This is one of many fori that I use to bloviate. Enjoy! Comment on my commentary.

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